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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Beware of Websites, SNS, E-Mails and Invoices impersonating JAN’S Group It seems that there are websites, SNS, E-Mails and Invoices circulating falsely using Jan’s Group name or names deceptively similar to Jan’s Group. Please note that our company is not related to them at all. The website of our company (Jan’s Group) is https://janjapan.com/ Kindly confirm every time before making any payment.
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Auction Car Price Calculator

You can use the following table to get an rough idea about the final FOB price of a car you buy.

※ Prices mentioned in following table is in JPY.
Vehicle Price at Auction insert value
Auction Charges 22000
Inland Transport Cost
depends on auction's location
15000 (avg)
Freight Forwarding Fee (roro) 45000
Receives payment withing 72 hours 70,000
Receives payment withing 5 working days
Receives payment withing 30 days

Following charges may also apply..

LC Charges
Only if you send payments through LC.
Inspection Charges(JAAI, JEVIC, MAURAI)
only if you need to do pre inspection.
Packing Charges
Only if you need to ship in container.
Cleaning Charges
Only if you need to do cleaning before shipment. Repairs and any other things you can discuss with your sales staff.

※ Above cost calculation table is valid only for vehicles worth under one million(1,000,000) JPY. When the auction price is above 1,000,000JPY, we will charge an additional commission charge as below.

※ Auction Price 1,000,000 to 2,500,000 JPY, additional commission charge is 3% of the auction price.

※ Auction Price above 2,500,000 JPY, additional commission fee is 5% of the auction price.

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